Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mao and Zhou

Both as one of the founders of People’s Republic of China, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou are two world-known political leaders. Simultaneously, Mao and Zhou are also famous for their different personalities or emotional intelligence as Chairman Mao is like a Hawk, which is strong-willed, decisive and perseverant while Premier Zhou is like a Pigeon, which is moderate, considerate and flexible.

After the Great Leap and the continuous three-year natural disasters, China experienced a serious famine which caused a lot of starving. Although Chairman Mao also did some self-criticism at that time, he still believed that the policies he proposed before would eventually and non-alternatively lead the Chinese to happy lives. Meanwhile, Premier Zhou cared more about the contemporary tribulation people suffered and would like to change the policies immediately which were the ultimate causes of the suffering.

Although Mao and Zhou are different in terms of their emotional intelligence, this difference does not obstruct them from being great men, which reminds me of one idiom “All roads lead to Rome”.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you very much, Dong Hao, for posting this so early. It's an interesting comparison. I'd like to see it be more in depth. Perhaps you could use this as the basis for your final research paper. But even as a paragraph, I'd like to see more substance. Perhaps you could add some reformulation, or another example of how they differed!

Ma Li said...

hi dong hao, actually i think this topic is very difficult topic, it is because it ask u to compare 2 well-known world leaders. you choose the challenge, but i think your supporting part is not strong enough and the example you used seems not very relevant to the emotional intelligence. ( :) just my opinion only)

Eve said...

Hi, Dong Hao, I think you need to rephrase your topic sentence. I find your topic sentence too broad and perhaps reader may not have any idea as to what is to be discussed in the piece of writing. It needs to be more impactful to interest the reader. Furthermore, I think you need to give more examples to illustrate your comparison of the two leaders -- non-Chinese readers like me may not really know well what Zhou has contributed to China.